Town Smoke Testing Sewer Lines

Posted by Seth Duncan Wednesday, November 30, 2016 9:27:00 AM

Town officials and staff will be working over the next few days to detect leaks, intrusions, and other issues with sewer lines by smoke testing lines in the Batesburg area north of HWY 23 and west of N. Carolina Ave. The Batesburg-Leesville Utilities Department uses a non-hazardous smoke to locate breaks, uncapped lines and other issues throughout the system.

Residents are advised to please be on the lookout for service crews in the areas north of HWY 23 and west of N. Carolina Ave. in the area of Saluda Ave., Summerland Ave., Hill St., the mill village, and the Batesburg business district during the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm beginning on Thursday, December 1st and continuing until Friday, December 2nd.

If you live or work in the affected area and see smoke in your yard or home, which may indicate a break or leak of some kind, please contact Cindy Apple at Town Hall (532-4601). Crews from the utilities department, as well as others, will be in the testing areas to inspect leaks and determine the party responsible for correcting any issues found.

For more information, and to watch a video of the smoke testing process, please visit the Town’s website at

Sewer Smoke Testing Video: